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Tyrannosaurus Wrecks 2 is a sequel to the movie idea Tyrannosaurus Wrecks. Like the 1st movie, it is also rated PG-13 for violence language and blood(but no gore)


Taking place 1 year after the events of the 1st Tyrannosaurus Wrecks, just before the 1st T-rex was killed, it laid an egg. The scientists who killed the 1st T-rex found this out and took the egg back to their new base. The creature eventually hatches and the special chemical that descended from the 1st creature into this new one caused it grow quickly and busts free from the cage. It kills one of the main characters and then goes on a destructive killing rampage in Las Vegas, killing over 5,000. It destroys one building after another. The scientists must kill this new T-rex before it's too late. But there's a catch: for an unknown reason, this T-rex cannot be killed the way the 1st T-rex was killed. Can the scientists find another way to kill it?
