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Chapter 1[]

(Shows Universal logo)

(Shows Dreamworks logo)



Cloud Guy: Hi, your dude Cloud Guy here. I got a feeling that my scrapbook contains more.

Cloud Guy: So, the Trolls went traveling across the globe to defeat Queen Barb. That's about it.

Cloud Guy: Stories never contain stories, but their world became much. much. much. MUCH! bigger.

(Shows Rosalina's storybook)

Storybook narrator: "Every hundred years, a comet appears in the skies above trolldom. The comet was so large, one year, it filled the skies and sent countless shooting stars raining down. The trolls brought the shooting stars to the kingdom, where they became a great power star. It should be a very happy time for the citizens of all of the kingdoms. That was the night star festival, held once every hundred years to celebrate the comet."

(Scene shows the star festival. Poppy then starts to sing The stars are gonna shine bright" just when Mr. Dinkles shows up)

Mr Dinkles: Eww.

Poppy: Good morning, Dinkles! Are you ready to go to the festival?

Mr Dinkles: Eww.

(Poppy continues singing when she sees Barb)

Poppy: Barb, are you the good guy?

Barb: Sure, rock and roll was the only option. And I played my maximum power chord. Wanna listen to it?

Poppy: Sure!

(Poppy continues singing when Queen Barb plays her power chord)

Barb: Let's go see my dad. Shall we?

Poppy: Yes.

(Poppy and Barb continue on their trail singing)

King Thrash: Can I join?

Barb: Sure dad. Only for this time.

(Poppy, Barb, and King Thrash continue singing)

Delta Dawn: Hi guys, wanna join my singing? I have my guitar for that.

Poppy, Barb and King Thrash: Full circle!!

(The four friends continue singing until they invite the Trolls to sing and the song ends. Then there was clapping in the distance but no one herd.)

Sparkle: Good. That was very good....for LOSERS! Just when you see that THIS is the beginning of my galaxy and the end of YOUR puny festival!

(Scene shows sparkles using her ships to ruin the festival. Everyone then are confused and are panicking and freaking out.)

Sparkle: *on megaphone* EVERYONE, *mumbling* except queen poppy, *back on megaphone* YOU ARE ALL INVITED, TO THE CREATION OF MY GALAXY! NOW, *laughs evilly* THIS FESTIVAL IS OVER!!!! 

(Scene shows sparkle capturing everyone except poppy)

Poppy: Hey! You better stop this right now, whoever you are!

Sparkle: *grumbles "you really don't know me, don't you?"* Magic! Take care of her!

Magic: Yes mam! So long. Enjoy your flight! *uses her magic to get rid of poppy.*

Chapter 2[]

(Scene shows black screen. Only some luma sounds can be herd. Scene then shows a white luma trying to wake poppy up.)

????: Hey! Wake up! Come on, wake up!

Poppy: *waking up* head, *remembers what happened* Guys! Don't worry I will sa- *notices that she isn't here to save them" Right....I-I can't save them, now that troll is going to destroy us. *crying*

????: No need to worry, no need to cry, you can be a heroine and you can save them in time.

Poppy: Huh? W-Who said that? *Wipes away tears*

????: You can save them, but for now...*Shipshapes into a bunny* let's play! *Hops away* C'mon, jump with me.

Poppy: Hey, Wait! Who are you?

????: I will explain soon. In the meantime, jump! *Hops away*

(Scene shows poppy hopping to catch up with the bunny. She eventually catches her)

????: Awwww, you catched me! Alright, I'll introduce myself

Larch: I'm larch, a young baby luma. I see that you lost hope. Don't worry, the mother of AALL Lumas can help.

(Scene shows a flash, then a mysterious figure.)

Poppy: Woah, who are you. 

Rosalina: I'm Rosalina. I watch over and protect the cosmos.

Poppy: Woah, cool.

Rosalina: Now, to save your friends, you'll need the power to travel through space. Larch can give you this power. I will entrust you with her care.

Larch: *gives poppy the power to travel trough space*

Poppy: Woah!

Larch: "Woah!" Indeed. I'll be your sidekick by the way.

Rosalina: Disaster has struck us, as it has visited you. With larch, I hope you can rescue the grand stars. May the stars shine on you. *disappears*

Poppy: Wait! Oh...

Yellow luma: Now no need to get sad, it's time to be glad! Now spin to break this breakable crystal.

Poppy: Ok. *breaks crystal* Woah! What's that?

Yellow luma: That, my friend, is a launch star! Spin when you are ready to shoot through space like a comet. Now go and explore the universe! There are lots and lots of galaxies to discover!

(Scene shows the duo launched by the launch star.)

Chapter 3[]

Chapter 4[]

More coming soon[]
